Couple Yoga Workshop

After many requests we have finally set 3 dates this autumn for our Couple Yoga Workshop!

21st of October
18th of November
16th of December

Couple Yoga is a workshop open for couples and also for friends that want to learn how to practice Yoga in two.
This workshop is open for everyone, beginner and advanced yoga practitioners. We will guide you to learn to relax body and mind and to dive into the deeper level of yourself.
We will guide you in several postures, making you discover that practicing in couple is more powerful than alone!
You will experience that focus and relaxation becomes easier and the polar practice brings you into the present moment.
It helps to connect with the person you practice with at an energetical, emotional and even spiritual level.

During the workshop we will start with explaining the new Yoga postures and how to practice them correctly, for about 20 minutes or maximum half an hour, and then we will have 1 and half hour of practice completely guided, from the warm up exercises to the final relaxations.
The Couple Yoga practice is also an extremely valuable practice to improve connection, mutual understanding, empathy and communication beyond words. It gives tools for the relationship to thrive and love to grow stronger. It is also a tool to spiritualise the relationship, giving a deeper meaning and purpose, healing and solving problems thanks to the expanded perspective we get about ourself and the other.

About the teachers:
Olinela together with her beloved Kristoffer will guide the workshop.
Olinela is a Yoga and Tantra teacher with a 20 years experience and Kristoffer is a Tantra Yoga student attending the 5th year course.
They have being guiding together couple events and Couple Yoga for the last 4 years and they can’t wait to share their experience and knowledge with you.

Time: 17.30 to 19.30
250kr / 150kr (Natha students) – per person

You can reserve your spot by paying the fee at:

Swish 123 395 95 90 (please write couple+email address in the message).

PG 403 08 65-2 (please write couple+email address in the message).