AYURVEDA WORKSHOP-Learn the basics of Ayurveda & how to balance your unique Dosha Type

Saturday 16th of November 13:00 – 16:00 o’clock

This workshop is for you who long for a sustainable way of living and are curious about the holistic medicine of Ayurveda. This eastern tradition that is based on the Principles of Nature and is a true way of healing by aligning yourself with your unique mind-body system.

Modern medicine today is based on treating only the symptoms of diseases and issues that we face, treating only the surface and making the symptoms come back over and over again. Ayurveda offers us a new way of health, where we go deeper to the root cause of our illness and viewing all aspects of us and of life. The foundation of Ayurveda is learning about the 3 different Doshas (the elements of Nature) and understanding our unique type, so that we can balance ourselves and prevent disease on a long-term basis.

The biggest mistake we face in today’s society is seeing health only from the physical level. But we are spiritual beings and health comes when we create balance on all our levels: body, mind, emotions and soul. This is how we become holistic, meaning we become whole. From this point we can heal anything.

With the Indian medicine Ayurveda, you will understand yourself on a deeper level and learn the healing tools and remedies that are sustainable for your whole system. Ayurveda means ”The Science of Life” and integrates everything that is life – food, sleep, digestion, mental health and your soul’s deeper whispers. It’s a spiritual method created on the Universal Laws and the healing powers of Nature, and is delivered to us through simple daily practices, habits and health recommendations that builds motivation, energy and inner peace.

Welcome to this workshop that will guide you through the 3 Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha, so that you can learn about yourself and know what Health Strategy is the best one for you.

You will learn:
The foundation of the eastern medicine of Ayurveda
How to use this ancient wisdom in your modern life
Get into the Holistic Lifestyle in a way that feels easy
The 3 Doshas & what’s your unique Dosha Type
How to balance yourself in the different seasons
Ayurvedic Habits to improve your health: sleep, food, digestion & embodiment

You will get:
Dosha Quiz
Dosha Food & Herb Template
Practices & Habits for the Doshas
The Ayurvedic Routines for everyday balance

About your teacher:
Paskalina, the founder of The Ayur Yogi, is an Ayurvedic Coach and Ayur Yoga Teacher who has over 8 years of experience of Ayurveda and even more in the Yogic and spiritual traditions. She was introduced to eastern medicine already when being a teenager and used it to naturally heal her 15 years of struggles with anxiety and addictions. On her own she integrated these tools and transformed her destructive lifestyle to a holistic one.
She built up inner discipline, motivation and self-love to free herself and become truly healthy in a sustainable way. Now her mission is to make this powerful wisdom accessible and easy to use for everyone interested in holistic healing. Paskalina teaches you to move yourself through the shadows and live a spiritual and healthy lifestyle by integrating your body, mind and energy in everything you do. She believes health is a way of self-love and understanding yourself deeper from the wisdom of Mother Nature.

More from her here: www.theayuryogi.com

Prices: 550kr
Natha student price: 450kr
Included: Small Raw Food Fika and tea
Sign up: Swish 123 395 95 90 (please write your email address+Ayurveda)
PG 403 08 65-2 (please write your email address+Ayurveda)

What to bring: Come in comfortable clothes and bring your notebook as there will be a lot of information for you on this day!

”Ayurveda is your medicine, Yoga is your therapy.”


This is what we will dive deeper into and explore the healing powers of this ancient wisdom.